Friday, May 28, 2010

Hongkong Architect made 24 rooms out of his 30m² apartment
In Japan, the architects assume a vital role as the space designer as well as the structure engineer. People generally values design and it permeates the daily lives. Among them the architecture design is an indispensable part. The culture, social and environmental cause to this situation is multiple: their tendency to appreciate exquisite things, their need to live in a high-density residence, the frequent earthquakes which require secure structure, to name a few. Also the career as architect is less affected by the western counterparts comparing to other Asian countries such as Korea and China.

Normally their collegiate architectural program last for 4 years consists of approximately 140-150 credits. Then after two years of working, they can register for the examination to be a accredited practioner. After the registration exam, one can assume the job as an architect, environment designer or structure designer, where as in US, architects have to consult with the latter engineers to implement his/her concept for the design.

Relatively speaking, the labor of building industry is more subdivided in US than in Japan. And the social and safeness need make the Japanese architects more powerful and respected than the ones in US. It is said that the architecture is more preferred than lawyers or doctors in Japan.This can make us think about the status of architects in US. As a matter of fact, it is not that the architects lost their power in recent years, but the architects never earned the reputation that the Japanese architects do. For instance, Their TV show Daikaizo(Dramatic Makeover) actually propagates the role of architects as space designer,life-style converter and solution designer. This situation may not change for years, but it is time for our architects to demonstrate and show that the capacity and power design can have to change lives, like the Japanese did.

Residential Design

Following are the services your architect will typically provide for a residential design project.
(Courtesy of AIA)

The initial phase in which the architect and home owner discuss the goals, needs, and function of the project; design expectations and available budget; and pertinent building code and zoning regulations. The architect helps the home owners arrive at a realistic budget estimate for design and building by leading them through a discussion about the ramifications of several design approaches in light of local costs for materials and construction. In this phase, the homeowner is encouraged to have a candid discussion of their actual budget for the entire project. Following the initial discussions, an architect will produce an outline of the scope of the proposed project.

Schematic Design
Your architect will provide concept sketches of design options and explain how they meet the requirements discussed in the programming stage. The overall scope of the project, proposed building materials, and a preliminary budget related to the schematic design are also discussed. Refinements are made until you approve the design.

Design development
Your architect will prepare detailed drawings and finalize the design plans, showing actual sizes and shapes for rooms. Construction specifications will be outlined, listing the major materials to be used. When you approve the design drawings, your architect prepares a cost estimate.

Construction documents
One of the most important elements of your architect's services is construction documents. Your architect develops detailed drawings and material specifications. The contractor will use both to estimate construction costs and to build the project.

Hiring the contractor
You have several options when it comes to hiring a contractor, including asking your architect to make recommendations or choose a contractor on their own. Your architect can assist you in selecting contractors by reviewing bids and estimates based on the construction documents.

Construction phase
In this phase, your architect observes the pace and quality of construction. As your agent, your architect looks out for your interests, keeping you informed of the project's progress and overseeing any changes or problems that may arise. Construction phase services are helpful in keeping your project on track and within budget.