Normally their collegiate architectural program last for 4 years consists of approximately 140-150 credits. Then after two years of working, they can register for the examination to be a accredited practioner. After the registration exam, one can assume the job as an architect, environment designer or structure designer, where as in US, architects have to consult with the latter engineers to implement his/her concept for the design.
Relatively speaking, the labor of building industry is more subdivided in US than in Japan. And the social and safeness need make the Japanese architects more powerful and respected than the ones in US. It is said that the architecture is more preferred than lawyers or doctors in Japan.This can make us think about the status of architects in US. As a matter of fact, it is not that the architects lost their power in recent years, but the architects never earned the reputation that the Japanese architects do. For instance, Their TV show Daikaizo(Dramatic Makeover) actually propagates the role of architects as space designer,life-style converter and solution designer. This situation may not change for years, but it is time for our architects to demonstrate and show that the capacity and power design can have to change lives, like the Japanese did.
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